Checkout with Stripe Java SDK

Building a Basic Payment System Using Stripe API

In today’s digital era, offering seamless payment options is crucial for the success of online businesses. Stripe stands out as a comprehensive and flexible solution to accept payments online. This post will guide you step-by-step on how to create a simple and automated payment system using Stripe, ensuring a smooth checkout process for your customers.

Code coverage abstraction

Unlocking Test Coverage in Kotlin Multiplatform with JaCoCo and GitHub Actions – Part 1

Kotlin Multiplatform unlocks new possibilities for developing cross-platform applications. However, this innovative approach does not come without its complexities. Especially when delving into its specific Gradle configuration. One of the challenges is establishing a reliable, automated test coverage report – an integral part of maintaining code quality and integrity. In this mini-series, we’ll learn how to leverage JaCoCo Gradle plugin to generate code coverage reports. Additionally, we’ll leverage GitHub Actions to generate a coverage badge independently from any third-party platform. This approach simplifies the process by keeping everything within the GitHub ecosystem, providing a seamless workflow for your multi platform projects.

Online payment automation.

Three Reasons to Choose Stripe for Payment Automation

Seamless payment processing is an integral part of business success. Finding an efficient, secure and highly configurable payment platform that can be directly integrated with your app is crucial. Enter Stripe – a robust payment processing platform, renowned for its comprehensive suite of APIs and unrivalled flexibility. To kick-start our series on payment automation with Stripe, we’re going to explore why Stripe stands head and shoulders above its competition and why it’s quickly becoming the preferred choice for developers and businesses alike.

Announcing a New Series: A Pragmatic Guide to Efficient Payment Automation with Stripe

I am thrilled to announce an exciting new tutorial that I believe will help you make informed choices for your projects: A Pragmatic Guide to Efficient Payment Automation with Stripe. If you’ve ever felt daunted by the breadth of options available within Stripe, or uncertain how to implement it most effectively in your e-commerce projects, then this series is for you. It aims to clear your doubts and offer clear, actionable guidance.