CORS inspector

Conquer Authentication with Ktor: Part 8 – Protect Access with CORS

Ensuring security and flexibility of web services when it comes to cross-origin resource sharing is essential. This is elegantly managed through the implementation of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), an established practice for modern web applications. A well defined CORS policy not only enhances security but also promotes a seamless interaction between different domains. Thankfully, Ktor makes this process straightforward and efficient. In this final part of our series on authentication with Ktor, we will provide clear examples to guide you. By the end of this post, you’ll see how effortless it is to integrate CORS into your Ktor projects, ensuring your services are both secure and accessible.

Google OAuth and Ktor

Implementing Stateless OAuth in Ktor Using Google and JWT

In our previous post, we explored the theory behind OAuth 2.0. Today, we’re going to dive into practical application by implementing OAuth authentication with Google in a Ktor application. While the traditional approach leans towards using user session cookies to store access tokens, we’re taking a different approach. We’ll be leveraging JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to encapsulate the access token. By encapsulating the access token in JWT, we transition our authentication to a stateless model, making our server more resource efficient.

Authorization with Facebook and Google

Conquer Authentication with Ktor: Part 7 – Introducing OAuth 2.0

In our previous post, we wrapped up the discussion on Json Web Tokens. We’ve come far in this tutorial, gradually uncovering more complex and practical use cases. Now, we’re turning our attention to a widely adopted authorization protocol – Open Authorization 2.0. While JWT primarily ensures secure communication, OAuth focuses on the delegation of access. Today, we’ll have a closer look at key concepts of this authorization protocol.

Failed Gradle build

Gradle Multi-Module Builds: Setting Up Shared Dependencies

When you are managing a multi-module Gradle project, more often than not you’d want to share certain dependencies across different modules. This is particularly true for test dependencies. You can achieve this by defining common dependencies in the root build file and applying them to all subprojects. However, a problem often encountered is the dreaded Unresolved reference: testImplementation error. This blog post suggests a simple trick that resolves the issue. Give it a go and happy testing ever after!