Failed Gradle build

Gradle Multi-Module Builds: Setting Up Shared Dependencies

When you are managing a multi-module Gradle project, more often than not you’d want to share certain dependencies across different modules. This is particularly true for test dependencies. You can achieve this by defining common dependencies in the root build file and applying them to all subprojects. However, a problem often encountered is the dreaded Unresolved reference: testImplementation error. This blog post suggests a simple trick that resolves the issue. Give it a go and happy testing ever after!

Keep Data Safe in Multi-Tenant Systems: A Case for Supabase and Row Level Security

When managing multi-tenant systems, one common anxiety is that a coding error can unintentionally expose user data. Incorrectly routing a user’s data to the wrong tenant, or even distributing it to another user within the same tenant, is a very real fear. Additional precautions are necessary to safeguard against human errors. Supabase is an open-source platform that offers a viable alternative to Firebase. Similar to Firebase, it provides a frictionless user authentication process. Due to its integration with Postgres, it supports sophisticated access controls at a row level, aptly referred to as Row-Level Security (RLS). In this article, we’ll explore a concrete example of leveraging this feature and provide step-by-step implementation guidelines.

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Stripe Payment Links and Custom Parameters

As of now, Stripe’s Payment Links don’t offer the flexibility of adding custom fields beyond those available in the API. The fields that you can directly pass into the Payment Links endpoint are complementary identifiers like prefilled_email or client_reference_id. This post shows some of the workarounds you can use to enrich your payment links with additional custom parameters.

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Optimizing Eager Fetch with Spring Data and EntityGraph Annotation

The LazyInitializationException is a common occurrence when using Hibernate. It typically happens when you access a lazy-loaded association outside of the persistence context in which it was loaded. I will show you how to prevent this exception without compromising the performance of your application. Through the lens of Spring Data, I will explain how to resolve this challenge with a handy annotation: @EntityGraph. Implementing this strategy allows you to optimize both for efficiency and effectiveness, avoiding one of the common pitfalls in Hibernate.

Using SSL with NiFi

In my previous post I looked at a basic use of plain HTTP in a NiFi ingest pipeline. In practice however, an encrypted communication channel is an imperative.  In an ideal world, switching to HTTPS is easy, but in reality we frequently face SSL errors of various kinds. This post shows how to go Read more…