Google OAuth and Ktor

Implementing Stateless OAuth in Ktor Using Google and JWT

In our previous post, we explored the theory behind OAuth 2.0. Today, we’re going to dive into practical application by implementing OAuth authentication with Google in a Ktor application. While the traditional approach leans towards using user session cookies to store access tokens, we’re taking a different approach. We’ll be leveraging JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to encapsulate the access token. By encapsulating the access token in JWT, we transition our authentication to a stateless model, making our server more resource efficient.

JWT token refresh

Refreshing an Access Token with Ktor and JWT

We’re back with another part of the series Conquer Authentication with KtoRemember where we left off in Part 6? We learned how to implement authentication with JWT but that lingering question remained: What happens once the access token expires? Today, we will address this concern and learn how to easily refresh an expired token in the background, without asking the user to re-authenticate.

JWT: header, payload, signature

Conquer Authentication with Ktor: Part 6 – Implementing JSON Web Tokens

Welcome back to our journey with the Ktor framework. Our previous post introduced you to JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and their impact on authentication in modern web applications. You learned about the key benefits of JWT, such as statelessness, improved scalability, cross-platform compatibility, and enhanced security. Today, we take things a step further with a hands-on approach, showing you how to effectively implement JWT using Ktor. Follow along as we dive into the practical side of JWT with Ktor to secure your web application seamlessly and effectively. By the end of this post, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how JWT and Ktor work together to create a robust and maintainable security model.

JWT embraces trust

Conquer Authentication with Ktor: Part 5 – Introduction into JSON Web Tokens

Welcome back to our ongoing series on the Ktor framework and its impressive capabilities when it comes to web application security. In this article, we shift our focus from traditional form-based authentication to a modern, innovative one – JSON Web Tokens (JWT). JWT provides several key advantages that have led to its growing popularity. Firstly, its stateless nature promotes better scalability by eliminating the need to maintain user sessions. Secondly, JWT’s JSON structure guarantees cross-platform compatibility. This means your authentication mechanism works equally well for web apps as it does for mobile apps or other systems. Lastly, JWT proactively increases the security of your applications, preventing attacks like CSRF. So, join us today as we delve into the world of JWT, exploring its mechanics and benefits.