Observer Pattern in RxJava

One of my previous posts about back pressure mentions a concept of an Observable without providing many details. This post is a deeper dive into how the Observer pattern is applied in the world of reactive programming. Observer Pattern: Pros and Cons First off, let’s have a look at the Observer Read more…

RxJava – WordCount Example

Counting words in large files is a “hello world” in the big data space. I wanted to share thoughts on sustainable processing of large files using Reactive Streams approach, namely with RxJava. This post outlines how to read and process contents of a large text file without overwhelming the system Read more…

OpenJDK Providers Comparison

As a follow-up on my previous post about changes to Oracle Java, I am providing a quick comparison of OpenJDK providers. The goal is to give you a rough idea of what to expect in terms of alternatives to Oracle JDK: LTS, pricing, features etc. The list is likely incomplete Read more…